Accessibility Tools


  • Treatments for Your Lower Back Pain

    Consider this: around 80% of US adults deal with some form of lower back pain at some time, and 20% of people who have an acute problem in their lower back go on to develop chronic pain. Taking a broader view, disability due to back pain worldwide has grown by 54% between 1990 to 2015.

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  • How Radiculopathy Starts in Your Spine

    It starts slowly and you begin to feel tingling, or nothing at all, in your hands. Or, you wake up one day and have trouble moving around because of shooting pain down one of your legs. These issues are collectively known as radiculopathy and the problem often starts in your spine.

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  • How Spinal Conditions Can Cause Discomfort in Your Arms

    The human body is an incredibly complex structure in which everything is somehow connected, whether through your bones or muscles or through networks like your nervous system. Thanks to this integration, problems in one area can lead to symptoms in another, which is certainly true of your neck and arms.

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  • What to do About a Pinched Nerve

    Your spine plays many roles in terms of support and mobility, but it also provides passage for your peripheral nervous system, which can be made abundantly clear when one of the nerves is compromised. Also called a pinched nerve, which describes the problem perfectly, this occurrence can lead to debilitating pain that places moderate-to-severe limitations on your ability to move freely.

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  • Scoliosis and Self-Esteem

    Adolescence is an extraordinarily tumultuous time as a child’s mental and physical health undergo significant changes. Even the slightest deviation from a typical developmental path can lead to self-esteem problems, which is especially true of scoliosis.

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